
化学 导师:Ruth Ben-Zvi博士 2000



在1997-1998学年。该课程为期两年,面向11年级和12年级的学生。亚博英雄联盟该方案的实施带来了对替代评估手段的需求。这项研究涉及在“探究实验”中评估学生的工具的发展。亚博英雄联盟本研究的第一部分描述了评估工具的发展阶段。在第二部分,研讨会被记录下来,并与高中化学教师进行讨论,在他们的课堂上使用“化学探究”。第三部分是对所开发工具的初步评估。评估工具的设计是为了满足“探究方法”的目标:传授探究技能、培养科学思维、应用化学和科学知识、提高沟通和其他社会技能。对学生表现的评估是基于小组书面报告和亚博英雄联盟老师的观察。通过这种方式,开发并验证了两种类型的评估工具。 The developmental phases of the tools included validation, testing of the reliability and assessment of its usability. The main findings were: A. The validity of the assessment tools was moderately high. B. The reliability of the assessment tools was moderate to good. C. The usability of the assessment tools was improved during the implementation phases. D. The mean grades in the experimental program "Chemistry by Inquiry" is similar to that of the "Bagrut" (matriculation) examination. E. The results of students achievement in the various inquiry skills were found to be some what different from their achievements on paper and pencil type test (as in the matriculation-Bagrut examination) F. The participation of the teachers in the workshops was vital both for their own professional development, as well as for the development of the assessment tools . The findings in this study emphasize the importance of critically assessing students performing inquiry work in the chemistry laboratory. The improvement in scientific thinking skills and the ability to apply chemistry knowledge, as well as the fostering of communication and social skills, are all important components of chemistry literacy.