
物理 导师:教授。编辑Yerushalmi 2019


(10至12年级)提供5个单元的入学学分。以研究为基础的课程开发遵循教育重建模型(MER) (Duit, 2007)框架,考虑三个相互关联的部分:(1)内容结构分析-选择中心思想,并将其组织成与学生先验知识和课程合理性一致的连贯的知识结构;亚博英雄联盟(2)教学的构建——包括实施教学原则,在实施的限制条件下(时间、资源等)设计学习环境;(3)研究学生的成就和困难,以便确亚博英雄联盟定可实现的学习目标的计划。为了满足学生有限亚博英雄联盟的先验知识,学生首先(10年级)通过多粒子系统的逐步演化来分析粒子扩散。计算动力学模型的构建和分析允许证明和具体化从牛顿动力学到随机游走的转变。平衡状态下非相互作用系统的抽象统计热力学处理在11年级的一个集中于空间构型的单元中首次提出。“空间构型的统计热力学”单元建立了所有微观状态的等先验概率假设,基于学生之前对粒子动力学的熟悉-随机游走。亚博英雄联盟本单元随后分析了空间背景下的分布、熵和第二定律。该单元为后来的热接触(能量空间的配置)和与生命科学相关的相互作用系统的分析奠定了基础。 The Thesis focus on the "statistical thermodynamic of spatial configurations" unit. Diagnostic problems and interviews served to study students' understanding of the central principles and concepts following completion of the unit, as well as changes in students' perceptions and their preferences regarding various models (particle dynamics vs. statistical thermodynamics) for particle diffusion several months after completion of the unit. The analysis show that students have largely succeeded in properly implementing the concepts and principles they have learned, so that the teaching unit in its format achieves most of its goals. The change in students' perceptions is expressed in the model they use to predict the phenomenon - dynamic or/and statistical mechanics, but their point of view in which they describe the phenomenon: microthe particles random walk; macro- the average on area and/or on time of the local density; probability- the probability for certain value of the local density, does not change.