
生命科学 导师:教授。阿娜特神灯 2009

* Orly Kaplan杰出学生奖现任获得者


对于学校探究任务与真实科学任务的区别,认为大多数学校探究任务过度简化了认知科学过程的复杂性,没有反映真实科学的认识论基础。因此,建议学校的任务应该反映真实科学的认知过程和认识论。这项研究的主要目的是探索将遗传学的真实科学研究带入高中生物课堂的方法。这项研究包括通过基于网络的研究模拟为学习者提供真实的遗传学研究的第一手经验,该研究利用真实的生物信息学工具和遗传学启发式策略来揭示基因功能。研究模拟考虑了高中生在遗传学方面的先验知识,是在一篇研究论文的基础上开发的,其中确定了一个感兴趣的基因,使学习者能够通过亚博英雄联盟五个连续的作业来应对科学家的步骤。通过使用遗传学学科的一个例子,本研究旨在阐明利用启发式策略和真实的生物信息学工具和程序在高中水平学习现代遗传学的潜在优势。然而,它可能提供的见解可以扩展到其他的科学学科。因此,扩展我们对学习结果的理解,将学习者定位为真实研究的参与者,适应他们的认知水平。在这篇论文的过程中,我考察了在遗传学和生物信息学中使用研究模拟的学习对高中生对现代遗传学的理解的影响,以及学生使用环境的学习方法如何影响他们的学习结果。亚博英雄联盟作为对研究模拟学习过程的补充,我研究了一位高中生物老师在课堂上通过研究模拟来支持学生进步所使用的教学策略。亚博英雄联盟 The results of this study, obtained using both quantitative and qualitative procedures indicate that learning using the research simulation promotes expansion of genetics knowledge. The results suggest a synergistic effect between the expansion of genetic knowledge and the recognition of geneticresearch practices, to achieve a better understanding of genetics compared to learning genetics through a more traditional instruction. Two types of learners, research-oriented and task-oriented, were identified in lab settings on the basis of the differences in the ways they seized opportunities to recognize the research practices, which in turn influenced their learning outcomes. The research-oriented learners expanded their knowledge in genetics more than the task-oriented learners. The learning approach taken by the research-oriented learners enabled them to recognize the epistemology that underlies authentic research in genetics, while the taskoriented learners referred to the research simulation as a set of simple procedural tasks. The enactment of the research simulation in a classroom was studied in a single classroom. The teacher dictated a research-oriented approach by applying a concrete pedagogical approach of discussing "why" to use a certain heuristic strategy and "how" to use it systematically in each of the research steps. In this way, the teacher was able to apprentice students to use their general inquiry thinking skills to acquire metastrategic knowledge about domain-specific heuristic strategies, which accompanied their concrete experience with the authentic research tools. These findings point to the important role of supporting acquisition of domain-specific metastrategic knowledge in making authentic research accessible to students. In addition, it points to a possible connection between acquisition of domain-specific metastrategic knowledge and expansion of disciplinary knowledge, as suggested above. Implications of the design of school activities which are aimed to position learners as participants in authentic research, and for supporting learners' participation in such research activities in class are suggested.