Yael Shwartz的工作总结

化学 导师:Ruth Ben-Zvi博士 2004

* Orly Kaplan杰出学生奖现任获得者


就是定义化学素养。定义它的过程涉及到科学教育研究人员和高中教师的合作。为了促进这种合作,以研究小组的形式设计了一个长期讲习班,讨论理论和实际问题。工作坊主要探讨教师对化学素养的认知,以及化学教学目标。研讨会的结果是,有人建议该定义应包括界定化学知识的一般框架,以及达到基本化学知识水平的具体内容要求,即每个高中毕业生都应达到的水平。通过访谈和问卷调查,获得了更广泛的科学家和教师群体的同意。因此,本研究建议的化学素养定义包括四个维度:内容、语境、技能和情感方面。根据所获得的化学素养定义,我们开发了评估工具,以评估高中生化学素养的表达。亚博英雄联盟这些工具评估不同的识字水平:名义上的、功能上的和结构上的。主要研究结果如下:“基础化学课程(10年级)显著提高了学生对化学概念的熟悉程度(名义水平);亚博英雄联盟 however, it had a limited contribution to their ability to explain concepts (functional literacy), and no significant contribution to their ability to refer to the correctness of chemical explanations, regarding everyday phenomena (structural literacy). No improvement in their attitudes toward chemistry was observed; in fact, their interest in chemistry concepts decreased significantly. Significant differences were revealed in most of the assessed parameters, between students who opted to study science in future studies and those who opted to study other subjects. The findings imply that the basic course was designed as a preparatory course and thus addresses the needs of the first group only. For both groups, it can be concluded that the basic course fails to establish a sufficient level of chemical literacy.  The achievements of students at the end of the advanced course were significantly higher than those of students at the end of the basic course, in most of the assessed variables. This finding demonstrates students’ ability to use and apply chemical knowledge that is being taught in chemistry classroom. However, since the advance chemistry course does not address all aspects of chemical literacy, the over-all achievements were not high.  Teachers expressed the existence of a conflict between teaching chemistry with the goal of ‘chemical literacy’ for all students, on the one hand, and providing more advanced content knowledge to those who chose to study science at higher levels, toward a final examination in chemistry (Bagrut), on the other hand. This conflict influences teachers’ practice and prevent them from fully addressing the needs of all students enrolling the basic chemistry course. This topic should be addressed in pre and in-service programs for chemistry teachers. The overall picture that was obtained suggests that a change in high-school chemistry teaching is necessary in order to achieve chemical literacy. Some content components of the advanced course should be introduced already in the basic course, and a more general but comprehensive presentation of chemistry concepts should be implemented. Also, teaching chemical concepts in relevant contexts, addressing leaning skills, and marinating interest and motivation of all students, would result in attaining higher levels of chemical literacy.