Daphna Mandler的工作总结

化学 导师:Rachel Mamlok-Naaman博士 2010


提高学生学习的积亚博英雄联盟极性和兴趣。我们认为,现实世界的问题突出了化学的跨学科性质和化学与学生生活的相关性。亚博英雄联盟此外,一个积极的学习环境要求学生解决更复杂的问题,设计自己的实验,并批判性地思考。亚博英雄联盟在本研究中,试图通过使用分析化学和环境化学作为化学教学的跳板来结合这些建议。本研究的主要目标是:(1)提供有意义的学习,以了解学习新的化学理论和实践的想法,(2)创建一个连贯的活动流程,让学生从自己的活动中学习化学概念,(3)探索学生在经历了学习化学的环境背景后,对化学的态度和看法的变化。亚博英雄联盟为了达到这些目标,开发了分析化学单元。本单元侧重于环境化学问题,包括五节实验室课(每节4-6小时),学习具体环境问题背景下的分析化学概念(有关实验室活动的详细信息,见3.1.3节)。已就饮用水质量和温室效应专题编制了两个单元。为了提高学生在决策过程中的参与度和提高积极性,学校使用了各种教学技巧。研究问题集中在学生在学习环境单元后,对化学和环境问题的态度和看法的变化。亚博英雄联盟 Another interest of this study was the perception and attitudes of the teachers, who participated in the teaching process of "I have Chemistry with the Environment" unit, towards teaching in context and in particular, teaching environmental chemistry. The research population consists of 12th grade students (N~400) and 18 teachers in 18 classes and 16 schools who opted to major in high-school chemistry. The schools from which the sample was retained could be characterized as urban high schools, which are academic in nature and consist of students from average socioeconomic backgrounds. The research study was conducted using a combination of both quantitative and qualitative measures in order to address the research questions. By using two different types of tools, we expected to obtain a more comprehensive picture of the change the students undergo while studying the module “I Have Chemistry with the Environment” (Tobin, 1998). The results indicate that the students underwent a significant change in their awareness of environmental issues. All the students mentioned that the unit influenced their everyday-life perceptions of environmental issues and there was an increase in their awareness of environmental issues. Another finding was that more students found that learning the “I Have Chemistry with the Environment” unit encouraged them to learn chemistry. Most students reported that they appreciated the unit more than their regular chemistry lessons. They wrote that they especially appreciated the feeling that they could discover things themselves. In particular, they referred to a sense of purpose: “We were doing real experiments, with a purpose”. Students indicated that the unit was meaningful, and that this “why and how” was missing in their regular chemistry lessons. From the results, it can be seen that students found that learning the unit was relevant to chemistry learning as well as to their personal lives. Most of them stated that they want to learn about environmental issues in order to make changes and to improve the quality of their lives. In summary, the data indicate that teaching chemistry based on relevant context-based learning, namely, environmental chemistry is an effective means of motivating students to find chemistry as a relevant, important, and interesting subject to study.