Nir Orion工作总结

地球科学 导师:Emanuel Mazor教授 1990


实地考察包括:“波勒格海滩”和“犹大海岸平原”两个沿海平原实地考察:“从山麓到山脉”:“从山脉到大裂谷”。每次实地考察都作为一个模块纳入课程,包括(1)一个预备单元,(2)一天的实地考察(3)一个总结单元。这种结构是基于教学的可取性,例如:从具体到抽象的逐步转变,一手经验和影响该领域学习能力的因素。开发阶段遵循三个标准:(1)管理标准(便于组织)(2)课程标准(通过具体活动覆盖基本概念)(3)教育标准(实地考察应是一个具体的学习活动)。为每次实地考察准备的课程包包括:预备单位的教师指南、指导学生在学习站工作的实地考察小册子和一系列帮助教师解释实地考察情况的微型海报。实施:实地考察旨在为两门课程服务:a)“地质学概论”课程,这是高中地质学课程的一部分。B)高中地理课程的地质章节。实施实地考察后,开展了两个在职培训项目:(1)为期120小时的地理教师培训项目,重点在以下几个方面:“熟悉学教材料”“实地考察路线”“利用实地考察作为教学工具的技巧”“丰富地质知识”。一个培训项目是由一个地质学研究生小组进行的。亚博英雄联盟这个程序比第一个短,只涵盖了教程方面。评价:该研究有两个主要目标:a)对“从山麓到山区”实地考察的形成性评价。 b) an investigation of the factors that influence students' learning abilities in the field. The research population consisted of 300 high school students from the 9th, 10th, and 11th grades who participated in the field trip " From the Foothills to the Mountain." The research structure included pre/post measurements of knowledge and attitudes and observations on the students during the field trip event. The research tool included:  5 different questionnaires  observation schedule  teacher's report. Three of the questionnaires were developed and validated as a part of the present research, namely: "Attitudes Towards Learning Field Trip", "Attitudes to Summarize the Field Trip Event", and the achievement test. The main findings of this study are: 1) The field trip "From the Foothills to the Mountain" was found to be an effective, enjoyable learning tool. 2) Classes which strictly followed the didactic model, i.e. inserting the field trip in the early stage of learning and using the preparatory booklet, students demonstrated a statistically significant improvement in their knowledge and attitudes, compared to students from classes that followed the traditional approach, i.e. going to the field at the end of the course which was mainly based on frontal learning . 3) The phenomenon of "novelty space" was supported by the results of a multiple regression analysis. Three factors, from 22 that were measured, were found to be the most important factors that influence the learning ability of students in the field. These factors represent the three components of the novelty space: the novelty of the concepts and skills used in the field trip, the psychological novelty of the event and the geographical novelty. It is suggested that the didactic model and the research instruments that were developed in the present work, could be utilized successfully, for development and evaluation of field trips in other scientific disciplines.