
化学 导师:伊曼纽尔Mazor教授 1979年


教师培训课程在两个阶段举行。在第一阶段,40名教师被训练在地质学的基本技能和概念。第二,更高级的阶段,18专为教学新课程教师培训。由于广泛的开展形成性评价在这个项目中,课程方案大大提高,被带到目前的水平。修订后的形式,研究材料比最初更结构化设计。这是实验类的反馈的结果。为了抵消倾向于扼杀光明类的倡议,建议将个人或团体项目基于实地考察工作。这是为了鼓励学生的不同水平和不同的能力来表亚博英雄联盟达创意更加结构化的总体框架内的课程。每个组件现在状态适合大规模生产,准备大规模实现。在本报告总结,很多方面突出的重要性,他们将在接下来的段落复审。 The curriculum “The chemistry of the rocks and minerals of Israel” contributed greatly to the world the knowledge of the students who studied it. As a result of the opening up of new vistas on chemistry and on the earth environment, fields which had hitherto been largely closed worlds the students, large cognitive gains were made by most students. They had significantly improved (statistically) the state of their knowledge and had attained a good level of achievement. Affective changes were not marked. The change in attitude towards chemistry was the main focus of interest in this respect. Multivariate F calculations showed that there was indeed a change (an improvement) in the students’ attitude towards chemistry, but it was not large enough to be registered in the components of this attitude that were derived from the analysis of the Semantic Differential questionnaire. In view of the numerous reports in the literature on the improbability of detecting attitude changes over restricted time periods, this modest change was considered an achievement. The control group did not exhibit any such change. Equally important as the affective changes registered in the program, was the investigation of the contribution of affective variables to the explanation of the variance in achievement scores. Although neglected for many years, affective parameters are now recognized as strongly influencing cognitive achievement. Supporting evidence for this observation is presented in this report too. The overall power of explanation of the cognitive and affective parameters (indicated in the regression statistics of the regression analysis) was not particularly high. If I.Q. data had been available and had been included in the regression analyses, then the explanative power would probably have risen considerably. However, predictions made with the aid of the equation produced by the general regression analysis would correlate well with the observed scores (R= 0.67). The declared goal of “increased interest and enjoyment in the educational aspects of school trips” was not achieved in this first implementation of the program. This may well have been due to the low percentage of students who participated in a field trip during the period of the course and integrally connected to it (50%). This integration of the subject matter of the course with the school and class field trips is seen as a matter of primary importance by the course developer. It is obviously an aspect of the course, which must be worked on. Teachers must be convinced that the geologically oriented trip is an indispensable part of the course, and that planned relevance to the course is an all-important facet of it. The research project has explored the effects of studying the course on the chosen student population. This population sample (which studied the course) was shown to be similar to another population sample of the same size which was used as the control group. Both samples, however, were relatively small (281,291) if extrapolation of the findings from these populations to the wider general school population is considered. Further research from the next stage of wider implementation of the program would therefore be fruitful.