Nurit Zehavi的工作总结

数学 导师: 1984

* Keren Bar-Ner杰出学生奖现任获得者


学习和教学。首先,九年级学生的作业项目是在认知和认知-情感目标的框架内开发的。亚博英雄联盟作业项目是一个开放式的数学问题,其范围很广,但是核心课程的组成部分。研究是为了调查这些材料是否真的能引出预期的目标。随后是对其在提高学生数学活动方面的有效性的评估。在Skemp模型的基础上,提出了数学活动定性评价的框架。对学生的反应进行了回答质量量表和程序质量量表的分析。程序的质量,原则上可能会限制回答的质量。然而,一个学生可能在没有证明的情况下得到一个一般的答案模式,或者一个高阶程序可能不能得到完整的答案。答案的质量和过程的质量这两个维度可以在解的质量表中表现出来。 Improvement of mathematical activity is exhibiter in such a table by a "population shift" in the desired direction. The statistical significance of the improvement can be tested, using the Wilcoxon-Raatz test, which is a modified version of the nonparametric Wilcoxon matched-pairs signed-rank test. Assignment tests, within this framework were developed and validated in a series of studies. They were used to compare changes in mathematical activity in a pre-post-controlexperimental setting. The results indicate that the assignment projects are indeed effective. During these studies I became clear that teachers needed more support in a practical form. Therefore, a clinical study was undertaken, in which one class was chosen and all the students interviewed about their work on assignments within the goalframework. The premise was, that if we could categorize student difficulties and the guidance into some sort of hierarchy, and establish a link between them, then we would have a model and a language which would help teachers in their work. This led to the establishment of a hierarchy of guidance. Finally, the applicability of the diagnostic guidance was examined successfully in regular classroom setting.