Sara Kiro的工作总结

数学 导师:教授。亚伯拉罕Arcavi 2003


2001年在魏茨曼科学研究所的科学教学部发表。yabo怎么下载这个项目的目标是帮助正在学习三个单元水平的数学的高中生克服他们在数学学习中的困难。亚博英雄联盟建立一个电子邮件地址的目的是帮助学生填补学习材料的空白或准备考试。亚博英雄联盟为此,SHAINET团队成员回答了学生通过电子邮件提出的问题。亚博英雄联盟由于电子邮件交流需要在没有老师指导的情况下阅读,而且关于这种阅读的研究还不多,所以我决定调查学生在类似项目中遇到的情况下是如何处理数学问题的。亚博英雄联盟在项目期间,定义了为问题制定电子邮件解决方案的标准。这些标准同时遵循项目的教学方法和电子邮件通信的环境。e-mail环境的条件是:除了问题中反映的信息外,没有关于学生及其先前知识和经验的信息。亚博英雄联盟在大多数情况下,学生没有反馈,也就是说,只有一次写信给学生的机会。这些情况使得有必要调查发送给学生的书面材料是否以及如何支持他们的学习。亚博英雄联盟 For this reason a suitable problem from the three-unit level calculus course was chosen and two solutions for it were written. Both solutions satisfy the SHAINET criteria but they differ with respect to the activity required from the student. The first solution is explanatory and does not require the students to actively produce part of the solution. The material is presented in a continuous manner and includes all stages of the solution. The second solution is explanatory as well but does require student activity. It includes questions, which the students have to answer in the process of reading and as a part of this process. The effect of these two types of solutions was investigated in individual meetings with three-unit level students. The students were first asked to solve the problem. If they didn’t succeed, they received one of the two types of solution and were asked to work through it without intervention on the part of the researcher. The next part of the meeting consisted of an interview requiring the solution of similar problems and the identification of their relation to the solution that the student had read. Twenty-two students participated in the research. It was found that the students read the first type of solution only cursorily and then frequently consulted it when solving the similar problems; on the other hand, the students read the second (active) type of solution carefully and in detail and referred back to it without needing to consult it when solving similar problems. Most students, especially those who received the second type of solution, effectively used the reading for the solution of similar questions. Likewise, the students emphasized two elements of studying that were prominent in the solution they had read: The connections between various representations of the problem and the reasonableness of the obtained solution. Details of the research and its results as well as conclusions and educational implications are presented in this thesis.