
计算机科学 导师:末底改本阿里教授 2003


学习如何使用它们。这个研究项目旨在调查概念模型的使用,以帮助正在学习使用这些软件包的人。概念模型是对硬件或软件系统功能的明确描述,可以通过“运行”来解释和预测系统的行为。这个研究项目调查了学习使用文字处理软件微软word的对象。具体来说,我调查了他们是如何学会使用希伯来语和英语的双语双向文本的,这对使用这个流行软件包的以色列人来说是一项复杂但必要的技能。学习使用MS Word通常需要不断尝试和犯错,用户在处理重要任务时表现出的焦虑表明,它还有很大的改进空间。该项目分三个阶段进行。在第一阶段,建立了MS Word这一特性的概念模型,并在此基础上编写了教程,准备了研究工具。该模型使用了块的概念,它是用相同语言键入的具有相同段落和光标方向的字符序列。实验组使用基于块模型的教程进行教学,对照组使用类似的教程进行教学,该教程具有相同的功能,但没有基于明确的概念模型进行描述。 The tutorials were reviewed by two senior teachers and their feedback used to improve them. Preliminary testing on two classes was also used to improve the tutorials. as well as the research tools such as exercises and examinations. In the second stage of the research, material intended for the experimental group was tested again, in order to further refine the presentation and the teaching strategy. The third and main stage of the research was carried out on a control group and an experimental group, both classrooms and in computer labs. In the classroom, the students were asked to predict the results of certain operations and to complete a closed examination. In the computer lab, they were asked to perform editing tasks and to record results. The results of the closed exam did not show any improvement in the performance of the experimental group as compared with the control group. On the other hand, the two groups used different methods in the lab. The students in the experimental group worked systematically to achieve the goals, analyzing the text in terms of the block model in order to carry out the tasks. The students in the control group did not work systematically, and used trial and error instead. The experimental group found the model difficult to use, indicating that to obtain the full benefit of conceptual models, they need to be used consistently from the beginning of the instruction. Despite these difficulties, this research project has shown that conceptual models have much to contribute to improving learning, and to enabling users to work more systematically with software packages.